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Donation to the association
Would you like to make a donation to Piacé le Radieux?
Every donation, whatever the amount, enables us to carry out our projects.
Piacé le radieux, Bézard - Le Corbusier is an organisation of general interest (box 7UF on your tax return). 66% of your donation or membership is tax deductible up to a limit of 20% of your taxable income.
We will send you a tax receipt so that you can benefit from the tax deduction to which you are entitled.
If you would like to support our association's projects and objectives, you can make a donation.
Every donation, whatever the amount, enables us to carry out our projects.
Piacé le radieux, Bézard - Le Corbusier is an organisation of general interest (box 7UF on your tax return). 66% of your donation or membership is tax deductible up to a limit of 20% of your taxable income.
A donation of €20 will cost you "only" €7, a donation of €50 "only" €17, a donation of €100 "only" €34, a donation of €200 "only" €68...
We will send you a tax receipt so that you can benefit from the tax deduction to which you are entitled.