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Saboosh, François Curlet, 2008

Produced by Chapelle du Gêneteil.
Private space. Espace Bézard - Le Corbusier
Born in Paris in 1967, François Curlet creates a unique fusion of conceptual art, Dadaist persistence, pop imagery and Situationist reverie. Using a multitude of tools and materials, the artist draws on both the real and the imaginary, borrowing from the realms of storytelling, television, economic exchange and communication... These elements are subjected to transformations that divert their original function. To achieve these shifts, the artist uses a variety of processes that produce commutations of meaning: discontinuity, the hypertrophy and repetition of motifs, linguistic games and the effect of an incongruous presence, such as the Nike logo on a pair of handmade Saboosh clogs.