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Le Keeque, Jacques Julien, 2015-2016

Production Piacé le Radieux
"Le keeque ( after H.C Westermann )" is part of a series entitled "after". The idea of this series is to question the principle of filiation in artistic practice. In the manner of a musical revival, the idea is to re-think and re-make pieces from the history of art that themselves raise the question of transmission or the artistic 'family'. Westermann's piece, dated 1966, is entitled "le keeque" and subtitled "( after Jockomedy )" in reference to Giacometti. The idea behind the sculpture at Piacé is to enlarge the original figure and tilt it a little further, so that the 'features' of its body can play with the horizon and 'mark' the landscape. The aim is to establish a dialogue between the sculpture and the site, with the figure's body frozen in an unstable equilibrium in a set of white lines with burlesque overtones. It seems to me that creating an image of this state of equilibrium between the promised fall and the persistence of wanting to stand upright is a possible way of talking about sculpture today, but also, more simply, of evoking the question of the body in the landscape.