The Great Piggly Wiggly, Stéphane Vigny, 2015

Gate, cartwheels, galvanised steel.
Production Piacé le radieux

"Stéphane Vigny observes the ingenuity of popular inventions which, for economic, pragmatic and above all decorative reasons, transform a used tyre into a planter, a barrel into a bar, a scallop shell into an ashtray or a set of corks into a fly screen. Alain Berland

Here, two cartwheels act as gates, turning on themselves like a turnstile, hence the title of the work (Piggly Wiggly was a chain of shops created in 1916 by Clarence Saunders, the first form of self-service and the forerunner of supermarkets. The shops were entered through a turnstile...).