Membership / Sponsorship

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Olivier O. Olivier, Mariposa

The Piacé le radieux, Bézard - Le Corbusier association is recognised as being of general interest, and any membership or donation is tax deductible.

You would like to support the association:

  • By joining
  • By making a donation

You can do this online by clicking on one of the buttons below.

Become a patron

Piacé le radieux, Bézard-Le Corbusier is a non-profit-making association under the French Law of 1901, eligible for sponsorship, i.e. approved by the tax office to issue tax exemption vouchers for sponsorship.

Becoming a patron of the Piacé le radieux, Bézard - Le Corbusier association means :
To make an active contribution to a centre for research and experimentation in architecture, contemporary art and design in the Sarthe and in France, and to enable it to carry out its developments and projects.
The support that everyone decides to give to the Piacé le radieux association adds to our sources of funding. You can be a sponsor as an individual or as a company.

Download form

Your donation will contribute to three key areas of our work:

  • The production of exhibitions and the works presented.
  • Publishing catalogues and artists' books linked to our exhibitions.
  • To promote and raise awareness of contemporary art among the general public.

Financial interest:

As a sponsor of the Piacé le radieux association, you can obtain a tax deduction equal to 60% of the payment, up to a limit of 0.5% of turnover (article 238 bis of the General Tax Code).
For donations in kind or skills, the tax reduction is based on the value of the items donated, the cost price of the service provided or the market value of the asset transferred.
So, for a donation of €10,000, whether a financial donation or the value of a donation in kind or skills, you will have €6,000 deducted from your Corporation Tax, i.e. a real cost of €4,000.

The quid pro quo:


  • Put your company's name on the Partners page of our website.
  • Your logo on our communication tools (kakemono, posters, flyers, programmes, etc.)

At the heart of the events:

  • Invitations to all cultural events organised by the association.
  • Guided tours of the exhibitions and the exhibition route.