

Choose the postcard numbers from the panel (read from left to right and from bottom to top) and specify the numbers when confirming your order (comments/order notes area). :
1- Model of the Village radieux Bézard- Le Corbusier / 2- Model of the logis du paysan Bézard - Le Corbusier / 3- Bulle Six Coques Jean-Benjamin Maneval (mist)/ 4- Bulle Six Coques Jean-Benjamin Maneval / 5- Parpaing Lilian Bourgeat / 6- House models by Le Corbusier under the direction of Tadao Ando / 7- New Holland tractor Pascal Rivet / 8- Jour de fête Pascal Rivet / 9- Between N. Hérisson and M. Duchamp (bottle-holder) Lilian Bourgeat / 10- France Fiction photo sillos maquette village radieux / 11- Lego Blaster Christophe Terlinden / 12- Saboosh France Curlet / 13- Château de tôles Stéphane Vigny/ 14- Wicker body Christian Ragot / 15- 3 sculptures Joseph Savina / 16- Drawing Simon Jacquard / 17- Norbert Bézard plate (Partridge) / (Partridge) 18- Norbert Bézard plate (Chapelle de Ronchamp) / (French) 19- Atelier Joseph Savina Le Corbusier / 20- Sculpture Les Mains Joseph Savina Le Corbusier / 21- Plat Crabe Norbert Bézard / 22- Sculpture Panurge Series Joseph Savina Le Corbusier

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