The Radiant Fortnight 3 Architecture, Contemporary Art, Design

Pascat Rivet, New Holland 2009

From 18 June to 03 July 2011

Nicolas Boulard / Lilian Bourgeat / Bob Corn / Andrea Crews / France Fiction / Maybe Happy / Enzo Mari / Hugues Reip / Pascal Rivet / Stéphane Vigny / France Fiction

The exhibition features 103 models of Le Corbusier's 106 house designs.
The models were produced by students from the Department of Architecture at the University of Tokyo, under the direction of Japanese architect Tadao Ando.

During his career, Le Corbusier developed 106 projects for individual houses. Only 36 of these were actually built (Villa 'Fallet', Villa 'Le lac', Villa 'Savoye', etc.). The students were able to produce 103 models (on a scale of 1:200) based on Le Corbusier's plans or sketches, although 3 of the 106 projects are not documented but only named.
This collection, first exhibited at Gallery MA (Tokyo) in 2001, was donated by Tadao Ando to the Fondation Le Corbusier.

Tadao Ando was born in Osaka on 13 September 1941.
At the age of 14, he designed his first building, the upper floor of his grandmother's house. Self-taught (which is very rare in Japan), and an admirer of Le Corbusier, he learned as much from books as from his many travels.
He set up his own agency in 1969 and began building modest houses. His tiny Row House made his name in 1975. After teaching at Yale University in the United States from 1987 onwards, he became a full professor in his home country, which marked his consecration since, without a degree, he was appointed full professor at the University of Tokyo in 1991. In 1995, Tadao Ando became the third Japanese to win the Pritzker Prize. Tadao Ando combines Japanese spirituality with modern construction techniques. His architecture focuses more on interior spaces, for the people who will live there, than on the exterior. Sensitive to the spirit of the place, he uses local materials linked to its history.

LE CORBUSIER Habitations / Houses Maquettes / Models The 106 houses of Le Corbusier. (Donation by Tadao Ando to the Fondation Le Corbusier).
"La Ferme radieuse et le village coopératif" Norbert Bézard - Le Corbusier