It's Our Playground

Radiant capsule - IT'S OUR PLAYGROUND,
Jocelyn Villemont and Camille Le Houezec
From 23 APRIL to 22 MAY 2016

Opening on Friday 22 April at 6.30pm at Les Bains-Douches
Opening on Saturday 23 April at 6.30pm at Piacé le radieux

Formed in 2009, It's Our playground is an artist duo made up of Camille Le Houezec and Jocelyn Villemont. IOP's work mainly takes the form of exhibitions, internet projects, scenography and installations, all using curating as a medium. In collaboration with Les Bains-Douches, IOP explores modes of presentation, exhibition systems and the influence of the internet on contemporary life and production.

Artists' website