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Daniel Le Couédic - THE RADIO QUINZAINE #2

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Conference held on 19 June 2010 - "The BĂ©zard and Le Corbusier project and its relationship with 19th century utopias".

Daniel Le Couédic
Architect and historian, professor at the Université de Bretagne Occidentale, where he heads the Institut de Géoarchitecture research laboratory.
Daniel Le Couédic works on doctrines and theories relating to planning, urbanism and landscape. He is also concerned with architecture that expresses the particularity of a country or region.

He is the author of several books, including "Les architectes et l'idée bretonne" (1994), "Ar Seiz Breur 1923-1947" with Jean-Yves Veillard (2000) and "Art public et projet urbain" (2008).

Jean-Marie BĂ©zard - RADIO QUINZAINE #1

The lecture by Jean-Marie BĂ©zard, grandson of Norbert BĂ©zard, opened the Quinzaine radieuse #1.

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Conference held on 13 June 2009: "Norbert BĂ©zard, the journey of a rural activist".


Mireille Perrier - LA QUINZAINE RADIEUSE #5

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The book is read in two parts, corresponding to two periods in the life of Norbert BĂ©zard (1896-1956).

I-Norbert BĂ©zard, rural activist [letters from NB and excerpt from LC's manuscript, 1932-1940].
The first period was that of militancy, trade union activity and the development of the "Radiant Farm and Cooperative Village" project in collaboration with Le Corbusier. Norbert Bézard was in the Sarthe region at the time, alongside other farmers, and made contact with Le Corbusier in 1932. The reading begins with 2 letters written by Norbert Bézard in 1932 and 1933 to Le Corbusier via Dr Pierre Winter and continues with an extract from the manuscript written in 1940 by Le Corbusier and intended for publication. This extract, entitled "La Ferme radieuse, le centre coopératif" (The Radiant Farm, the Cooperative Centre) illustrates the development of the two men's thinking.

II- Norbert BĂ©zard, ceramics artist [letters from NB and LC, 1952-1956].
The second phase was artistic activity. In 1945, Norbert BĂ©zard left the countryside for good and moved to Paris. After being made redundant from Renault because of heart problems, he began working as a painter and ceramist in 1952, with the support of Le Corbusier. The letters covering this period bear witness to the friendship between the two men and shed light on Norbert BĂ©zard's artistic practice.

Reading on 22 June 2013: reading of letters from the correspondence between Norbert BĂ©zard and Le Corbusier.

Mireille Perrier has acted in numerous films by authors. In recent years, she has returned to the stage with plays that she directs herself, such as Anna Politkovskaya: not reducible.



-Towards an architecture. Paris: Editions Cres, Collection de ≪ L'Esprit Nouveau ≫, 1923.
-≪ La Ferme radieuse. Le Village radieux ≫, L'Homme Reel,no. 4, 1934, pp. 54-59.
-≪ Agrarian reorganisation, 1933-1934. La ≪ Ferme radieuse ≫,Le ≪ Village radieux ≫ ≫, Prélude, n° 14,novembre-décembre1934, p. 5-8.
-La Ville radieuse: éléments d'une doctrine d'urbanisme pour l'équipement de la civilisation machiniste. Paris: Editions de l'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 1935, p. 321-338.
-Complete works 1929-1934. Zurich: Editions Girsberger, 1984 (1st edition by Willy Boesiger, Les Editions d'Architecture, 1934), pp. 186-191.
-Complete works 1934-1938. Zurich: Editions Girsberger,1975 (1st edition by Max Bill, Les Editions d'Architecture,1938), pp. 104-115.
-Canons, ammunition? Thank you! Des Logis ...S.V.P. Paris: Editions de l'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 1938, p.114-138.
-Quand les cathédrales étaient blanches: voyage au pays des timides. Paris: Plon, 1937.
-≪ Renaissance de la vie paysanne ≫. Sillons, 1939, no. 1.Original manuscript: Fondation Le Corbusier, box B3-12-181.
-Sur les 4 routes. Paris: Gallimard, 1941.
-Destin de Paris. Paris ; Clermont : F. Sorlot, 1941.
-The constructions ≪ Murondins ≫. Paris ; Clermont : E.Chiron, 1942.
-La maison des hommes. Paris: Plon, 1942.
-≪ Elements modernes d'une communaute villageoise ≫, in COLLECTIF, Agriculture et communaute, Paris: Librairiede Medicis, 1943, pp. 95-108.
-Les Trois Etablissements humains, Paris: Denoel, 1945.
-Maniere de penser l'urbanisme. Boulogne-sur-Seine: Editions de l'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 1946.
-Propos d'urbanisme. Paris: Editions Bourrelier et Cie, 1946.
-L'Urbanisme des Trois Etablissements Humains, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1959.

-≪ Building the regions ≫, Prélude, no. 1, 15 January 1933,p. 3-4.
-≪ Plans and traces ≫, Bulletin des groupes Plans, no. 1, February, 1933, pp. 11-13.
-≪ Dossiers Régionaux ≫, Prélude, no. 8, 15 December 1933, pp. 2, 4 and 6.
-≪ La Terre aux paysans ≫, L'Homme Réel, no. 4, 1934, pp. 37-39.
-≪ Un plan d'urbanisme rural ≫, Prélude, no. 14, November-December, 1934.
-≪ Mon Village ≫, in LE CORBUSIER, La Ville radieuse. Paris: Editions de l'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 1935, p.320.
-≪ L'urbanisme rural ≫, in Logis et Loisirs. 5ᵉ congres CIAM, Paris, 1937. Boulogne-sur-Seine: Editions de l'Architecture d'aujourd'hui, 1938, pp. 49-59.
-≪ La reforme agraire, le Village radieux ≫, in LE CORBUSIER, Des Canons, des Munitions? Merci ! Des Logis ...S.V.P. Paris: Editions de l'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 1938, p.114-138.
-≪ L'urbanisme rural ≫, Volontés, no. 7, July 1938, pp. 59-70.
-≪ L'unité d'exploitation agricole ≫, in Les Trois Etablissements humains, Paris: Denoel, 1945, pp. 63-159.

L'Homme réel n°4, April 1934

Norbert Bézard, "La Terre aux paysansin L'Homme Réel, n° 4, 1934, p. 37-39

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Le Corbusier, "The Radiant Farm. The Radiant Villagein L'Homme Réel, n° 4, 1934, p. 54-59

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Norbert Bézard, "Rural town planning, In Logis et Loisirs. 5ᵉ congres CIAM, Paris, 1937. Boulogne-sur-Seine: Editions de l'Architecture d'aujourd'hui, 1938, pp. 49-59.

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-ANONYMOUS ≪ Le Village radieux ≫, L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, n° 2,fevrier 1935, p. 10-11.
-BRALERAIT H., ≪ Immediate practical realisation of a cooperative farm ≫, Prélude, n° 16, July-August 1936
-HURON Laurent, ≪ Piacé ou l'urbanisme rural de Norbert Bézard et Le Corbusier ≫, 303 : arts, recherches et créations, n° 125, 2013, p. 58-67.
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-LE COUEDIC Daniel, ≪ Les fondements idéologiques du planisme de Le Corbusier ≫, Urbanisme, no 223, February 1988, pp. 56-63.
- LE COUEDIC Daniel, "Joseph Savina, l'improbable compagnon de route", in Le Corbusier: The plastic artsParis, Fondation Le Corbusier and Éditions de La Villette, 2005, p. 26-53.
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-LESELLIER Jean-Noël, ≪ Le Corbusier, architecte sarthois !ou Piacé, village modèle ≫, La Vie mancelle, n° 65, 1966,p. 4-6
-MOREL JOURNEL Guillemette, ≪ The Modern Movement in the Fields. De la Ferme radieuse au Regional Planning ≫, In Situ [Online], No. 21, 2013, online 12 July 2013, URL:
-RAGOT Gilles, ≪ Le Corbusier's Farm and Radiant Village. Nouvelle déclinaison du principe d'équilibre entre l'individuel et le collectif ≫, In Situ [Online],n°21, 2013, online 12 July 2013, URL:

-ASSOCIATION PIACE LE RADIEUX (dir.), La Ferme radieuse et le Village coopératif. Exhibition booklet, Piace, 2011.
-ASSOCIATION PIACE LE RADIEUX (dir.), Norbert Bezard : céramiste d'art. Paris: Piacé le radieux: Somogy, 2013.
-BALLANTYNE, Andrew (ed.), Rural and Urban, Architecture between two Cultures. New York: Routledge, 2010.
-CUISENIER Jean, ≪ Architecture et réorganisation agraire ≫, in CUISENIER Jean, La maison rustique :logique sociale et composition architecturale, Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1991, p. 254-263.
-GOLAN Romy, Modernity & nostalgia: art and politics in France between the war. New Haven ; London : Yale university press, 1995.
-LE COUEDIC Daniel, ≪ Le Corbusier et la Bretagne ≫ in Le Corbusier et la Bretagne. Quimper ; Brest : Editions nouvelles du Finistère, 1996, p. 17-33.
-LE MAIRE Judith, ≪ Le Corbusier ou la participation malgré lui (1932-1944)≫ in GAIMART M., GUILLERM E., MASSU C. (dir.), Metier : architecte. Dynamiques et enjeux professionnels au cours du XXe siècle. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013, p. 155-170.
-MCLEOD Mary, ≪ La Ferme radieuse, le Village radieux ≫,in Le Corbusier et la nature : IIIe rencontre de la Fondation Le Corbusier (14-15 juin 1991). Paris: Fondation Le Corbusier: Editions de la Villette, 2004, p. 128-149.
-MCLEOD Mary, ≪ Piacé: Ferme radieuse and Village radieux ≫, in Le Corbusier: an atlas of modern landscape. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2013, p. 185-191.
-MCLEOD Mary, Urbanism and Utopia: Le Corbusier from Regional Syndicalism to Vichy, PhD diss., Princeton University, 1985.
-PITAUD Henri, La Terre au paysan. Paris: P. Bossuet, 1936.
-PITAUD Henri, Farmer and activist. Mes chemins sauvages :souvenirs 1921-1940. Beauvoir-sur-Mer: L'Etrave, 2001.
-RAGOT Gilles and DION Mathilde, Le Corbusier en France. Paris: Editions du Moniteur, 1997.
-ROUPNEL Gaston, Histoire de la campagne francaise. Paris: B. Grasset, 1932.
-VIGATO Jean-Claude. Regionalist architecture. France.1890-1950. Paris: Editions Norma, coll. ≪ Essais ≫, 1994


- BAUDOUĂŹ, RĂ©mi. Le Corbusier: 1930-2020. Polemics, memory and history. Paris: Tallandier, 2020
- CHASLIN, François. Un Corbusier. Paris: Seuil, 2015
- CHASLIN, François. Rococo or funny birds. Paris, Le Havre: Non Standard, 2018
-JARCY, Xavier de. Le Corbusier: a French fascism. Paris: Albin Michel, 2015
-JARCY, Xavier de, PERELMAN, Marc. Le Corbusier , shadowy areas. Le Havre: Non Standard, 2018
-PERLMAN, Marc. Le Corbusier: a cold vision of the world. Paris: Michalon, 2015