Call for donations

Call for donations

Restoring the game
The Villa Motte by Raphaël Galley

For more than sixteen years now, our association Piacé le radieux has been promoting a project by Le Corbusier and, by the same token, our community of Piacé and the surrounding area. It brings the village to life by offering a wide range of activities throughout the year, including art trails, exhibitions and tours.

The financial and economic balance of such an adventure is not simple, which is why we are appealing to you for a project that is particularly close to our hearts!

The Villa Motte, a game created by designer Raphaël Galley in 2012, has suffered from the test of time and vandalism. We now want to restore it using a suitable, durable material to give it a second lease of life.
Village children, schoolchildren and visitors will once again be able to enjoy this unique game.

If you would like to help financially, please send or drop off your donation to the association, or get in touch with us. If financial support is not possible but you still wish to support us, your physical help during the installation of the game would be most appreciated...

Association recognised as being in the public interest.
Donations and payments received by Piacé le radieux are eligible for tax relief under Articles 200-1 and 238 bis of the French General Tax Code:
FOR AN INDIVIDUAL 66 % of the amount of the donation, up to 20% of the donor's taxable income
FOR A COMPANY 60% of the amount of the donation, up to a limit of 5% of turnover