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HVDVK is like an open-air building site in the middle of a field. On the site of a former sawmill, architectural elements are installed and restored one after the other: the "UK 100" American barrack, Algeco, Tétrodons, Panneaux Jean Prouvé, Hexacube and so on.
Works on the tour
Roland Wank, American shack UK 100, [1942-1945]
A.U.A(Atelier d'Urbanisme et d'Architecture), Tetrodons, 1973
Georges Candilis & Anja Blomstedt, Hexacube1972 [Partnership Clément Cividino Ent.]
Bernard Schoeller, Tuile Sunflower swimming poolJulien recours partnership].
Algeco 2002
Private area .
Only accessible at the time of temporary exhibitions of the association Piacé le radieux and by appointment.